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Indoor Air Quality


Are You Looking For RGF Air Purifiers? Click HERE or continue reading below for other home IAQ systems.

Spring Cleaning & A/C Tune-up

Like many people in our area, Spring is the time when you get out of hibernation mode and start doing more activities outside.  When making your spring cleaning checklist, don’t forget about cleaning the air you breathe as well. Spring is the time to de-clutter, making our homes more comfortable; but the quality of the air you breathe is just as important when you’re thinking of Spring cleaning.

Here are some benefits to a clean HVAC system:

  • At this point, allergy season is upon us. There is not much we can do on the outside, but we can control the allergens inside our home. If you or someone in your household has seasonal allergies, we can help you determine the best options for this.
  • Our air conditioning units will start to run again after a long winter’s nap. You want to have your system serviced to make sure the air you breathe in is clean. Don’t forget to call and schedule a/c maintenance early in the season. Your filters will need to be cleaned or replaced during this time.
  • Warm air holds more moisture. If humidity becomes a problem, you may want to consider options for removing moisture with dehumidification.
  • Utilities will cost more with systems that are struggling to run due to lack of maintenance.

By having your system tuned and cleaned, your system will run more efficiently cutting down on costs of utilities as well as giving more comfort to you and your family throughout the spring and summer months. Additionally, there are duct cleaning services which will come into your home and clean the inside of the ductwork.

RGF Air Purifiers


Unlike air filtration units which eliminate particulate in the air, the RGF unit is a proactive air purifier which sends ionized oxidizers into the room destroying pollutants at the source, in the air and on surfaces, reducing odors, bacteria, viruses, VOCs (chemical odors), and mold.  These units were designed to eliminate sick building syndrome risks. When the HVAC system is operating, the RGF unit creates an Advanced Oxidation Plasma which consists of Ionized Hydro-peroxides, and other friendly oxidizers which revert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidation of the pollutant. RGF units are easily installed into HVAC air ducts which most sick building problems start.


One of the best air filters available for allergens, bacteria and germs is the Hepa (high efficiency particulate air) filter.  It is a type of mechanical air filter which works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke down to virus and bacteria. They generally have charcoal filters to absorb smells.


Air filters

Most people are familiar with the standard 1” air filters which should be replaced multiple times per year. These filters remove most visible particulate for clean air and keep your equipment and ductwork clean.  When there is space for a media filter, we recommend Merv 13 through 16 filters as they provide a higher filtration level for cleaner air down to microscopic.


Ventilation (ERVs and HVRs)

The air circulating throughout our homes will likely contain contaminants.  We can do some things to minimize chemical pollutants in the air by avoiding the use of harsh cleaning solvents with VOCs. Solvent based cleaners should only be used in well ventilated areas (opening a window when using cleaning agents is advised).

Many of the newer homes are tightly sealed and may require a mechanical ventilation system that can move fresh air into the home.  There are standards given by ASHRAE for how much ventilation is needed based on square footage, number of occupants, etc.

Two of the most popular options for whole house ventilation are ERVs (Energy Recovery Ventilators) and HRVs (Heat Recovery Ventilators).  These systems provide balanced ventilation which is preferable to negative pressure ventilation which brings in the same amount of air as is removed.  HRVs transfer heat from one air stream to another with a heat exchanger. ERVs are similar to HRVs in that they also use a heat exchanger but also moves moisture between the two air streams causing less humidity.


For added comfort in the warmer months, dehumidifiers can be installed within your ducted HVAC or stand alone to remove moisture from the air which makes the air in your home healthier to breathe. Additionally, these systems can be ducted to the outdoors and pull in filtered and dehumidified air before returning to the inside. You will find you can achieve equal comfort during the cooling season with lower humidity inside.


Humidifiers are used to add humidity into your home during the colder months when you are running your heating system. Without humidity in the air, your skin can feel dry and flaky and the lack of humidity can also create problems with your throat and sinuses especially during cold and flu season which can make it more difficult to breathe. The two basic options for humidifiers are bypass and steam.


Thinking of Replacing or Adding a Heating and Cooling System?
Save up to $6625 now with manufacturer and utility rebates on qualifying equipment. Call Pack-Timco, LLC today at 203-847-8781 to schedule your free in-home survey and to find out more about our wide range of efficient, quiet-running air conditioners and heating systems that will help make your indoor environment a really comfortable place to be.


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